
剑指Top500 华硕超算再建200TFLOPS超算中心

2014-03-05 17:13  出处:PConline原创  作者:佚名   责任编辑:duxiaojun 

PConline安徽站 行情近日,华硕电脑宣布完成名为PC2超算中心建设并交付德国帕德博恩大学(University of Paderborn)使用,德国帕德博恩大学是一所国立综合性大学。学校的重点是理工科专业。其强项专业:计算机信息技术,过程工艺及橡塑技术,机械工程等专业在德国国内名列前茅。著名的“西门子-尼克思道夫计算机研究所”就设在该校,在2001年德国高校信息技术排行榜中,帕德博恩位居第13位。该套超算系统由帕德博恩并行计算中心使用并管理,此次建设由华硕及ClusterVision联合实施完成,总计算能力:200Tflops CPU 运算性能及大于40Tflops GPU运算性能。


   近年来,华硕电脑不断在超算业务中取得佳绩,继2009年启动ESC超算产品线以来,华硕专精新一代混合架构下的超算服务器的开发,目前已经陆续开发出6款集群级及4款桌面级混合超算服务器,广泛应用于全球各科研机构及高校,其中包含美国杰弗逊国家实验室(Jefferson Lab)、德国美因茨大学(JGU)、奥地利维也纳技术大学(TUW)、沙特阿拉伯国家实验室(KACST)、台湾国家高速网络与计算中心(NCHC)、台湾大学(NTU)、中国科学院(CAS)以及中国众多高等院校。
▲华硕ESC4000/FDR G2内部视图
About PC²
The Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing, PC², is an interdisciplinary institute of the University of Paderborn, Germany. We are specialized in distributed and parallel computing for research, development and practical applications and for the investigation of new fields for our partners and ourselves. Practical work has been done in a number of different areas shown in our projects page. 
Our parallel computers are amongst the most powerful of their type. They enable us to study practical applications in a high performance computing environment. Among our computing facilities are some high performance computer systems, and some minor machines. These systems can be accessed conveniently via the X-WiN network.
Within the supporting groups, theoretical work is done to develop methods and principles for the construction and efficient use of distributed and parallel computer systems. [返回安徽行情首页]
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